University of Michigan Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Policy for Students, Faculty and Staff
Updated: December 2024
- Introduction
The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor is committed to providing a safe, healthy learning community for all its members. The University recognizes that the improper and excessive use of alcohol and other drugs may interfere with the University's mission by negatively affecting the health and safety of students, faculty and staff. Problems such as vandalism, assault, harassment, sexual misconduct, and disruption of sleep and study space increase in relation to misuse. It is due to the harm caused by excessive and illegal use that the University has a vested interest in establishing policy to prohibit unlawful behavior and sanctions to address policy violations by members of the U-M community.
Under the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the University is required to have an alcohol and other drug policy and distribute this policy annually to all employees and students. This Policy must outline the University's prevention, education and intervention efforts, and consequences that may be applied by both the University and external authorities for policy violations. The law also requires that individuals be notified of possible health risks associated with the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and sources of assistance for problems that may arise as a result of use.
2. U-M Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
For the purpose of this Policy, the term "drug" includes:
controlled substances, as defined in 21 USC 802, which cannot be legally obtained.
legally obtainable controlled substances which were not legally obtained, including:
Prescribed drugs when prescription is no longer valid (e.g. use of medication after a course of treatment is completed);
Prescribed drugs used contrary to the prescription;
Prescribed drugs issued to another person.
All members of the campus community also are governed by laws, regulations and ordinances established by the state and local municipalities, and will be held accountable by law enforcement representatives of those entities for any illegal activity. It is the responsibility of all campus members to be aware of these laws.
Michigan law prohibits the dispensing, selling or supplying of drugs or of alcoholic beverages to a person under 21 years old. Employees, students, faculty and campus visitors may not unlawfully manufacture, consume, possess, sell, distribute, transfer or be under the influence of alcohol, illicit drugs or controlled substances on University property, while driving a University vehicle or while otherwise engaged in University business. The only exception to this Policy is that individuals of legal age may consume alcohol on University property in a manner consistent with University policy and State of Michigan law. University property, as defined in this Policy, includes all buildings and land owned, leased, or used by the University, and motor vehicles operated by employees, including personal motor vehicles, when used in connection with work performed for or on behalf of the University. The University prohibits the storage of consumable alcohol on University property except (a) as specifically allowed in licensed locations or (b) in private residences if the storage of consumable alcohol is expressly permitted by the building use rules applicable for the location of the residence.
If alcohol is to be served at an unlicensed facility, the General Counsel's frequently asked questions web page should be referenced for proper handling: The licensed facilities on campus are Executive Residence, Michigan League, Michigan Union, Pierpont Commons, Michigan U-M Golf Course, Richard Postma Clubhouse, Flint Riverfront, Crisler Center, Michigan Stadium, Oxford Conference Center, and Yost Ice Arena.
All athletic alcohol licensing and sponsorship requests must contact Michigan Trademark Licensing office ( to learn about additional requirements and the approval process.
Any person taking prescription drugs or over-the-counter medication is personally responsible for ensuring that while taking such drugs or medications, they are not a safety risk to themselves and others while on University property, while driving a University or privately owned vehicle, or while otherwise engaged in University business. It is illegal to misuse prescription medication, i.e. continue to use medication when the prescription is no longer valid, use prescribed drugs contrary to the prescription, and give or sell prescribed drugs to another person. Misusing prescription drugs can result in conviction with jail time.
On November 6, 2018, Michigan voters approved Proposal 18-1 which legalized the possession and use of limited amounts of marijuana in non-public places for individuals 21 years and older. However, marijuana is still considered an illicit drug by the federal government and the University of Michigan must comply with federal laws. This means that marijuana use, in any capacity, is not allowed on campus. For more information please refer to the DPSS FAQ page.
The University of Michigan is a tobacco-free campus. As a part of the Tobacco Free University Premises Policy, tobacco use is prohibited on all campus owned property, facilities and in University owned vehicles. This includes:
cigarettes, cigarillos, pipes, cigars, hookah, little cigars and menthol cigarettes
electronic nicotine delivery systems, or ENDS – battery-powered devices used to smoke or “vape” chemical solutions that usually include tobacco. Examples: vapes, vape pens, e-cigarettes, e-cigars and hookah pens
smokeless tobacco products, commonly called dip, chew, snuff and snus
3. U-M Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Strategies
The University of Michigan uses evidenced-based strategic interventions, collaboration, innovation and the incorporation of the Model of Well-being to reduce harmful consequences of alcohol and other drug use and promote well-being by:
Providing education and awareness activities.
Offering substance-free social, extracurricular, and public service options.
Creating a health-promoting normative environment.
Restricting the marketing and promotion of alcohol and other drugs.
Limiting availability of alcohol and other drugs.
Developing and enforcing campus policies and enforcing laws to address high-risk and illegal alcohol and other drug use.
Providing early intervention and referral for treatment.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) governs the release of and access to student education records. Section 952 of the 1998 Amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965 clarified that institutions of higher education are allowed (but not required) to notify parents if a student under the age of 21 at the time of notification commits a disciplinary violation involving alcohol or a controlled substance.
Because of the health and safety risk inherent in alcohol and other drug misuse, U-M will notify parents/family of first-year students under the age of 21:
If a student has committed an AOD violation accompanied by other serious behavior such as needing medical attention, significant property damage or driving under the influence.
If a student has had an AOD incident that resulted in a transport to the hospital or jail.
If a student has had more than one AOD-related violation of the University of Michigan Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
Please refer to *Parent-Family Communication Program for more information.
For more detailed information on all the U-M alcohol and other drug prevention strategies contact the Director of Wolverine Wellness at
4. Health Risks
The use or abuse of alcohol and other drugs increases the risk for a number of health-related and other medical, behavioral and social problems. Below is a general description of the health risks associated with drug use.
ALCOHOL Can cause short-term effects such as loss of concentration and judgment; slowed reflexes; disorientation leading to higher risk of accidents and problem behavior; long-term effects include risk of liver and heart damage, malnutrition, cancer and other illnesses; can be highly addictive to some persons. When consumed rapidly and in large amounts, alcohol can cause coma and death. Combining medications (prescribed or not prescribed) with alcohol can have unpredictable and unwanted consequences.
AMPHETAMINES (examples: Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, meth) Can cause short-term effects such as rushed, careless behavior and pushing beyond your physical capacity, leading to exhaustion; tolerance increases rapidly; long-term effects include physical and psychological dependence and withdrawal can result in depression and suicide; continued high doses can cause heart problems, infections, malnutrition and death. Combining medications (prescribed or not prescribed) with alcohol can have unpredictable and unwanted consequences.
COCAINE/CRACK Can cause short-term effects such as impaired judgment; increased breathing, heart rate, heart palpitations; anxiety, restlessness, hostility, paranoia, confusion; long-term effects may include damage to respiratory and immune systems; malnutrition, seizures and loss of brain function; highly addictive.
DESIGNER DRUGS/SYNTHETIC CANNABINOIDS (examples: bath salts, K2, spice) Can cause short-term effects such as elevated heart rate, blood pressure and chest pain; hallucinations, seizures, violent behavior and paranoia; may lead to lack of appetite, vomiting and tremor; long-term use may result in kidney/liver failure, increased risk of suicide and death.
HALLUCINOGENS (examples: PCP, LSD, ecstasy, ketamine, DMT, psychedelic mushrooms, dextromethorphan) Can cause extreme distortions of what's seen and heard; induces sudden changes in behavior, loss of concentration and memory; overdose can cause psychosis, convulsions, coma and death. Frequent and long-term use can cause permanent loss of mental function.
INHALANTS (examples: nitrous oxide, amyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, chlorohydrocarbons, hydrocarbons) Can cause short-term effects such as nausea, dizziness, fatigue, slurred speech, hallucinations or delusions; may lead to rapid and irregular heart rhythms, heart failure and death; long-term use may result in loss of feeling, hearing and vision; can result in permanent damage to the brain, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.
MARIJUANA/CANNABIS Can cause short-term effects such as slow reflexes; increase in forgetfulness; alters judgment of space and distance; aggravate pre-existing heart and/or mental health problems; affect sleep quality; long-term health effects include permanent damage to lungs, reproductive organs and brain function; can interfere with physical, psychological, social development of young users. Cannabis use can occur in various forms including edibles and vaping.
OPIATES/NARCOTICS (examples: heroin, fentanyl, morphine, opium, codeine, oxycodone, china white) Can cause physical and psychological dependence; overdose can cause coma, convulsions, respiratory arrest and death; long-term use leads to malnutrition, infection and hepatitis; sharing needles is a leading cause of the spread of HIV and hepatitis; highly addictive, tolerance increases rapidly. The use of opioids with alcohol or other prescription or illicit drugs can cause unpredictable and unwanted consequences. To learn more about how to recognize an overdose, the life saving drug, Narcan, and where you can get it, please visit Other Drug Use: Make a Plan.
PRESCRIPTION DRUG MISUSE (examples: Adderall, Xanax, codeine, Vicodin) Can cause a variety of health risks based on type of drug. Prescription drug misuse is the intentional or unintentional use of medication without a prescription, in a way other than prescribed, or for the experience or feeling it causes.
*Any person taking prescription drugs is responsible for the safe storage of their prescription drug during their treatment to ensure medically appropriate handling and use. It is also the responsibility of the intended patient to properly dispose of their prescription drug once expired (e.g. permanent medication drop-boxes or community take-back events).
SEDATIVES (examples: barbiturates, benzodiazepines, gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), opioids, Ambien and Lunesta, Xanax) Can cause reduced reaction time and confusion; substances can quickly cause coma and death; long-term use can produce physical and psychological dependence; tolerance can increase rapidly.
TOBACCO (examples: cigarettes, non-combustible devices, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco) Can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular smoking being a major risk factor for a myocardial infarction (heart attack), diseases of the respiratory tract such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and emphysema, and cancer, particularly lung cancer and cancers of the larynx and mouth; nicotine is highly addictive.
E-cigarettes contain nicotine, potential carcinogens and may cause addiction. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to learn more about these effects.
Interested in talking to someone about your tobacco use? Discuss strategies for quitting nicotine products with MHealthy or Wolverine Wellness.
For an extensive list of health-related risks please visit The National Institute on Drug Abuse:
Substance use during pregnancy can have unpredictable direct or indirect consequences to the fetus and the individual giving birth. For an extensive list of resources please visit the CDC site Substance Use during Pregnancy:
5. Counseling and Treatment Programs
The University of Michigan encourages individuals with alcohol- or other drug-related problems to seek assistance.
Emergency Services Faculty, Staff and Students
U-M Psychiatric Emergency Services
Level B1 of the Medical Center, adjacent to the Department of Emergency Medicine
Fee for service
Crisis Help Hotline 734-996-4747
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
Non-Emergency Services for Individual Students
University Health & Counseling: U-M Counseling and Psychological Services
Michigan Union, 4th floor
After Hours Urgent Support: 734-764-8312 (Press 0)
Two 45 min confidential sessions of Assessment of Substance Abuse Patterns (ASAP)
Individual and group counseling
Referral services, and/or
Free services for enrolled U-M students
University Health & Counseling: U-M University Health Service
207 Fletcher Street
Addiction Medicine Clinic, embedded within the Primary Care Clinic, offers substance use and addiction services to students, faculty, and staff.
Clinical Social Workers screen and refer for alcohol concerns.
Wolverine Wellness
207 Fletcher Street, Ground Floor
Facilitates Wellness Coaching for Alcohol and Other Drugs, as an educational intervention for students who would like to explore their relationship with substance use (two one-on-one sessions); free to enrolled U-M students.
Nicotine cessation coaching for vaping, smoking, or using smokeless tobacco products also available for U-M students. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is available at no cost for students who participate in coaching.
Provides a supportive community where students in recovery can achieve academic success while enjoying a genuine college experience, free from alcohol and other drugs. The U-M Collegiate Recovery Program recovery support includes: emotional support, educational support, social support and campus resource navigation.
Offers harm reduction tools such as Stay in the Blue and Cannabis Conversations to help students engage in their campus community safely.
Athletics Counseling Team (ACT)
1000 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48187
Committed to the health and well-being of student athletes.
Services include but are not limited to prevention, performance and clinical care.
In addition to individual and group counseling services, U-M Athletics offers Wellness Groups, hosts Intercollegiate Athletics Network (IAN) mental health awareness campaigns, and holds other support groups and educational sessions facilitated by licensed mental health providers who are members of the Athletic Counseling Team.
Non-Emergency Services for Individual Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO)
1009 Greene Street
2076 Administrative Services Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Call 734-936-8660 or email to schedule.
FASCCO is a University of Michigan program that offers a number of services designed to help staff, faculty, retirees, and their immediate adult benefit eligible family members with personal difficulties encountered at both work and home.
MHealthy Alcohol Management Program (AMP)
3621 S. State St
700 KMS Place
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
The AMP is a brief, confidential health education program that helps you cut back on your drinking or quit altogether. You decide which approach is right for you. This program is for people with mild to moderate alcohol problems who want to rid themselves of the negative consequences of drinking. It is not for people who are severely dependent or alcoholic and require treatment services rather than health education. Call for a free phone consultation.
MHealthy Tobacco Consultation Service (TCS)
3621 S. State St
700 KMS Place
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
734-998-6222 or email:
Provides a complete and easily accessible quit tobacco program open to all U-M employees, students, patients, and the general public. Individual one-on-one counseling available by phone or virtual.
Michigan Medicine Office of Counseling and Workplace Resilience
5124 (5th Floor) Med Sci I Bldg, C-wing
Brief confidential counseling and consultation service for UMHS faculty, staff, retirees and their families.
Serve as an early intervention resource when work, health, and life related issues arise.
Offer 24-hour availability for consultation and intervention on issues relating to substance use disorders, both for leaders with questions on how to handle workplace situations, as well as for faculty and staff who want assistance, assessment, referral, and post-treatment monitoring.
U-M Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS)
Rachel Upjohn Building 4250
Plymouth Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI
734-764-0231 or 1-800-525-5188
Offers assessment, diagnosis, and treatment personalized for individuals and their families including: evaluations, consultations, and referrals, standard and intensive outpatient programs, psychiatric assessment and treatment, medication assisted therapy, outpatient detoxification, specialized group, individual, and family therapy, and treatment for health professionals.
Services based on the latest research and combine successful models of care with the wisdom of recovering individuals.
6. U-M AOD Policy and Student Organizations
The University of Michigan expects each student organization to adopt a policy about the use of alcohol and other drugs that is consistent with this Policy; complies with federal, state and local laws; minimizes criminal and civil liability to the organization and its members; and helps assure the personal safety and welfare of members and guests. Student Life provides resources and references to assist student organizations with drafting policies and managing membership. Contact the Center for Campus Involvement for assistance or more information:
Center for Campus Involvement
3410 Michigan Union
3rd floor Mezzanine
The following guidelines are recommended:
It is illegal for student organizations to sell alcohol in the state of Michigan. Student organizations can significantly improve personal safety and reduce liability by not providing alcohol to any person.
If alcohol is to be present at an organization-sponsored activity, the organization can provide for the safety of its members and reduce its liability if:
Alcohol is not the focus of the event;
Attractive alternative beverages are provided;
Procedures are in place to prevent service or sale to persons under the legal age of 21;
Alcohol is not served from common or self-serve containers;
Service complies with this Policy, as well as the rules of the facility;
Designated non-drinking hosts are assigned to attend the event;
Assist any attendee who is intoxicated with finding alternative transportation home.
If alcohol is to be present at an event, the preferred methods of serving alcoholic beverages are to use a professional caterer or hold the event at a site provided by a vendor who is licensed to sell and serve alcohol, to individuals of legal drinking age. If these methods are not possible, request that guests of legal drinking age or event hosts review the Social Gathering Guide provided by Wolverine Wellness and also available with U-M Conference and Events Services. Schools, departments, units and administrative offices as appropriate are expected to encourage student organizations' compliance with these expectations and recommendations.
7. University Sanctions — U-M Ann Arbor Campus
The use or abuse of alcohol and other drugs also increases the risks for behavioral and social problems such as negative effects on academic work performance; conflicts with co-workers, classmates, family, friends and others; conduct problems resulting in disciplinary action, including loss of employment or dismissal from an academic program; and legal problems resulting in ticketing, fines and imprisonment.
The laws of the state of Michigan and University of Michigan's policies prohibit the consumption or possession for personal consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21 years. Further, Michigan laws and University policies prohibit the sale, service or giving of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21. University of Michigan's policies, local ordinances and laws, state laws and federal laws also prohibit the unlawful possession, use and/or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.
Violation of University policies will be subject to campus disciplinary review and action, as follows:
Students: The University community has established expectations for nonacademic student conduct under the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities (The Statement). The Statement specifically addresses the illicit use of alcohol and other drugs as follows:
The following behaviors contradict the values of the University community and are subject to action under this Statement:
Illegally possessing or using alcohol
Illegally distributing, manufacturing, or selling alcohol
Illegally possessing or using drugs
Illegally distributing, manufacturing, or selling drugs
The Statement is administered by the Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR). OSCR is charged with facilitating the resolution process used to determine responsibility. OSCR staff work with individual students to determine appropriate educational measures and sanctions. These measures cover a wide range of educational assignments and obligations, including but not limited to suspension and expulsion from the institution. OSCR may delegate portions of the Conduct Process to other units of the University who have a vested interest in the conduct of smaller student communities (e.g. Michigan Housing, Athletic Department).
Academic units of the University also may have written policies concerning management of alcohol use and their response to the illicit use of alcohol and other drugs in the academic setting. Students are expected to know and understand these additional policies and abide by them.
Student Organizations: Policy violations by recognized student organizations of the Student Organization Code of Conduct, which includes the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy, will be handled through the Student Organization Advancement and Recognition (SOAR) process. This process is administered through the Center for Campus Involvement. Specific violations of the Interfraternity Council (IFC), Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), National Pan-Hellenic Council(NPHC), or Panhellenic Association (Panhel) by-laws by an affiliated fraternity or sorority will be heard through the Greek Activities Review Panel (GARP).
Staff and Faculty: Sanctions for violations by faculty and staff are governed by policies within individual departments and any applicable guidelines set by University regulations (Regents' Bylaw 5.09, Standard Practice Guide 201.12), appropriate collective bargaining agreements, and other applicable policies or procedures. Appropriate sanctions may include: verbal or written warnings, a mandated rehabilitation program, probation, suspension, and termination. In each case, there are likely to be different circumstances that are relevant for understanding the situation and determining the appropriate sanction. For events hosted by staff and faculty visit FAQ: Serving Alcoholic Beverages at Events on U-M Campuses.
8. External Sanctions
Violations of laws and ordinances may result in misdemeanor or felony convictions accompanied by the imposition of legal sanctions, which include, but are not limited to, the following:
Fines as determined under local, state, or federal laws;
Imprisonment, including up to life imprisonment, for possession or trafficking in drugs such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana and prescription drugs;
Forfeiture of personal and real property;
Denial of federal benefits such as grants, contracts and student loans;
Loss of driving privileges;
Required attendance at substance abuse education or treatment programs.
A full description of federal sanctions for drug felonies can be found at: This section is not intended as legal advice; consult with an attorney regarding your specific legal issues. For more information, please contact Student Legal Services at 734-763-9920 or visit for more information. Employees enrolled in the MetLife Legal plan may contact the plan for initial consultation related to criminal matters. This legal plan does not provide consultation related to employment matters.
Alcohol Offenses:
A. MIP LAW Under Michigan law, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to purchase, consume or possess, or have any bodily content of alcohol. A first-time offense is considered a civil infraction punishable by a fine and/or community service or substance abuse classes. A second offense is a criminal misdemeanor that is punishable by a $200 fine, up to 30 days in jail, substance abuse education and treatment, community service and court-ordered drug screenings. A third offense is a criminal misdemeanor that may result in a $500 fine, up to 60 days in jail and revocation of driving privileges.
B. FALSE IDENTIFICATION Use of false identification by minors in obtaining alcohol is a misdemeanor punishable with a fine, loss of driver's license, probation and community service.
C. DRUNK DRIVING Individuals can be arrested and possibly convicted of Operating While Intoxicated with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level at .08 or higher, or the lesser offense of Operating While Visibly Impaired for BAC less than .08. Operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of .17 or higher may subject an individual to a charge of Operating While Intoxicated with a High BAC. All of these drunk driving charges are misdemeanors that carry potential jail time. If a student is under 21, there is a "zero tolerance" law in the state of Michigan and any blood alcohol level of .01 or higher can lead to a minor in possession (MIP) citation as well as being cited for Operating While Intoxicated, if applicable. All of these driving offenses can result in the suspension of driving privileges in the state of Michigan. (There may also be sanctions in the student's home state).
D. OPEN INTOX Pursuant to Ann Arbor City Ordinance, it is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500 and/or 90 days in jail for any person, regardless of age, to possess alcoholic liquor in an open, uncapped, or unsealed container on a public street, which includes sidewalks.
Medical Amnesty as a result of alcohol intoxication: To better ensure that minors at medical risk as a result of alcohol intoxication will receive prompt and appropriate medical attention, the State of Michigan provides for medical amnesty to remove perceived barriers to calling for or seeking help.
Michigan law continues to prohibit a minor from purchasing, consuming, or possessing, or attempting to purchase, consume, or possess, alcoholic liquor and from having any bodily alcohol content.
The medical amnesty law provides an exemption from prosecution for the following:
A minor (under the age of 21) who, after consuming alcohol, voluntarily presents themselves to a health facility or agency for treatment or observation, including medical examination and treatment for any condition as a result of sexual assault (as defined in Michigan law).
Any minor (under the age of 21) who accompanied an individual who, after consuming alcohol, voluntarily presented themselves to a health facility or agency for treatment or observation, including medical examination and treatment for any condition as a result of sexual assault (as defined in Michigan law).
Any minor (under the age of 21) who initiated contact with law enforcement or emergency medical services personnel for the purpose of obtaining medical assistance in connection with a legitimate health care concern.
Medical Amnesty as a result of an overdose of any controlled substance, including a prescription drug: To better ensure that individuals at medical risk as a result of an overdose of any controlled substance, including a prescription drug, will receive prompt and appropriate medical attention, the State of Michigan provides for medical amnesty to remove perceived barriers to calling for or seeking help.
The medical amnesty law provides an exemption from prosecution for the following*:
Any individual who voluntarily seeks medical assistance for themselves as a result of an overdose of any controlled substance, including a prescription drug.
Any individual who accompanies or procures medical assistance for another individual as a result of an overdose of any controlled substance, including a prescription drug.
Any individual who as a result of an overdose of any controlled substance, including a prescription drug, is presented for medical assistance by a third party.
*when the amount of the drug possessed is sufficient only for personal use
The University of Michigan maintains the discretion to refer the individual for appropriate educational intervention(s).
Marijuana/Cannabis: On November 6, 2018, Michigan voters passed Proposal 18-1, which legalizes possession and use of limited amounts of recreational marijuana by individuals 21 years and older. Neither this new state law, nor the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, authorize the use or possession of marijuana on any property owned or managed by U-M, and by U-M's faculty, staff, or students on any U-M property or during off-campus U-M business or events.
Marijuana possession and use remains illegal under federal law and is categorized as an illicit substance under the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989. Therefore, even though the State of Michigan has legalized limited amounts of marijuana for recreational or medicinal use for some individuals, the possession, use, storage and cultivation of marijuana remains prohibited for all faculty, staff and students under U-M policy. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis that is readily available at a number of retailers, including supermarkets, gas stations, and online. CBD products are not a controlled substance under federal law and do not have abuse or addiction potential. However, use of legal CBD products may still result in a positive urine drug test for cannabis. These tests cannot distinguish whether the person was using legal, descheduled CBD products or federally illegal marijuana products. There are many other compounds found in cannabis that are regulated in similar ways to CBD but similarly may cause positive urine drug tests if used.
Employees and students who violate U-M policy prohibiting the use or possession of illegal drugs on campus will continue to be subject to disciplinary action.
9. Employee Reporting Requirement
Under the Drug-Free Workplace Act, in addition to the other requirements of this Policy, the University of Michigan requires all employees who work in any capacity under a federal grant or contract to notify their University supervisor or department head in writing of their conviction for a violation of any criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace or on work-related activities no later than five (5) calendar days after such conviction. The supervisor or department head will notify University Human Resources, who will consult with the appropriate staff in the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects regarding satisfying the University's reporting obligations.
10. Marketing Standards
A. Advertising
The University of Michigan will refuse advertising inconsistent with the fundamental missions of the University, or in conflict with the image the University seeks to project or the well-being of the University community. Examples of advertisements that will not be accepted include:
Alcoholic products*
Tobacco products
Cannabis products
Sex as a product
Paraphernalia associated with illegal drugs
Dishonest, deceptive, or illegal advertising.
The University of Michigan maintains the right to approve advertising around alcoholic products that are in line with these guiding principles:
Limit location and placement of advertising and promotions to reduce underage (<21) exposure, and prohibit placement on large public-facing digital boards and surrounding University buildings
Prohibit any advertising and promotion content that include false, misleading, obscene, or indecent statements
Any advertising and promotion must be accompanied with public-health-informed prevention and low-risk messaging that is accessible through easy to read and/or hear communication channels
B. Licensing and Sponsorship
U-M Athletic alcohol licensing and sponsorship requests and agreements will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Michigan Trademark Licensing office ( to learn more. Additional University requirements should be expected, including adherence to separate university policies regarding alcohol.
A full description of the University's marketing standards can be found at:
The University Standard Practice Guide related to alcohol and other drug policy can be found at:
11. Distribution of Policy
A copy of this Policy statement will be distributed to all faculty, staff and students annually via email at the beginning of fall semester.
12. Review of University Prevention Program and Policy
The University of Michigan uses an evidence-based public health model highlighting a typology of programs and policies for preventing and treating campus-based alcohol-related concerns.
13. For More Information
Please direct any questions about this policy to
Office of the Vice President for Student Life
1300 Ruthven Building
1109 Geddes Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079